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What were the changes in Hitler's powers in 1933-1934?

In the source, it mentions one way Hitler was able to increases his power. By allowing Hitler to pass any law he liked, it gave Nazi party an opportunity to take control of Germany. Since Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933, he was in very unstable position. No one thought that Hitler will become a supreme dictator of Germany. However, he exceeded people’s expectations and eventually achieved to possess Germany on his hand. Hitler and Nazi Germany achieved this with various kinds of clever methods which some of them were legal but most of them were being act with tactics.

To start with, gaining power of Hitler didn’t happen suddenly. Nazi Party got overall majority of supports after a massive propaganda campaign. Afterwards, Hitler was then able to pass the Enabling Act. Hitler then gained power to make laws for next 4 years without consulting the Reichstag. ‘…gave Hitler to pass any law he liked’ meant that Hitler’s power rose and started to become a dominator of Germany. Due to the intimidation toward the Reichstag members, the non-supporters were afraid to act against the bill. Germany became a one party state and this Enabling Act changed the possession of control of Germany. Hitler began to make his own laws and reorganise the German political system to bring it under Nazi control. Local government was brought into line by ensuring that all political positions were ruled by Nazis and Trade Unions were brought into line in May 1933. People were brought into line by arrests and torture and used people as a spy. Also, in May 1933, the Social Democrats Party office were occupied by the Nazis and all the newspapers and funds were taken. Lastly, the law against the formation of new parties was passed in July 1933 and insisted that Nazi Party was the only party that has authority to exist in Germany. These actions led Hitler to thrust its power and plans, which he made in order to invade Germany with Nazi party. Also, this made a vivid way for Hitler to achieve his future progress of gaining power in Germany. His power boosted and was very determined to control Germany with its delegation of power.

There are other ways Hitler gained power such as The Night of the Long Knives and Der Fuhrer. The Night of the Long Knives was Hitler’s illegal act of murdering Ernst Rohm, who was the leader of SA and he opposed Hitler’s policies and ideas ,and other associated people.The SA wasn’t separated afterwards, and remained as a Nazi paramilitary organisation but was very inferior to the SS.Many of the soldiers in SA were absorbed by the army and SS. This made Hitler to gain power as he was the owner of private army and he could in fact rule the army of Germany since then. Another factor that made Hitler to gain power is Der Fuhrer which was the act of officers and army swearing an oath to Hitler to give unconditional obedience to him after Hindenburg died in July 1934. Therefore, people who had power to oppose Hitler gave him loyalty and respect. Hitler then had ab ability to rearm the armies and strengthen his power and his nation. He had supreme unchallenged power in Germany.

In conclusion, The Enabling Act made Hitler to gain more power and enable to control Germany however he wanted to. The law allowed him to make any laws he wanted to make without consulting the Reichstag. Therefore, the amount of power that Hitler had gradually grew and eventually Germany was on his hand. Later he possessed all the political seats, Hitler began to rule the nation with his own plan.

Teacher's comment:

8/10, Clear reference to source and the main factors were covered. However, you have to mention the subject more precisely. For example, who did this or who was making this to happen? Also, Link Night of the long knives with Enabling Act. In history, it is important to connect the incidents since they are related to eachother.


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