Why didi the Nazis became the leading party in the Reichstag in 1932?
Nazis became the leading party in the Reichstag in 1932 gaining huge amount of popularity among Germans. First of all, Hitler was a...
Why was the Treaty of Versailles unpopular with the German people?
Treaty of Versailles was unpopular with the German people because it brought many confusions to German society with its huge appalling...
What were the changes in Hitler's powers in 1933-1934?
In the source, it mentions one way Hitler was able to increases his power. By allowing Hitler to pass any law he liked, it gave Nazi...

런던 이야기 (미셸 리)
이 책은 한때 전세계를 지배했던 조그만한 섬나라 영국의 수도, 런던의 수백년동안의 역사와 문화를 알고 이해하기 쉽게 쓴 책이다. 개인적으로 나 자신이 지금 영국에서 유학중이라 영국의 역사와 문화를 더욱더 이해할수있게된 책인 것 같아서 좋았다....

Poem Analysis; War Photographer by Carol Ann Duffy
Task: Explore how Duffy depicts the trauma experienced by the photographer and how he feels disconnected from society The poem ‘War...
Treasure Hunt ( Descriptive Writing Task in English Language lesson)
Bang! He shut the door with a bang and struck it with his clenched fist. Joshua Campbell, a fifteen year old rebellious teenage boy was...
Last night, I dreamt... (Imaginative Writing Task in English Language lesson)
Last night I dreamt of my grandfather whom I have never met in the 15 years of my ilfe. I am guessing that I was a pure little kid in the...
Imaginative Writing Task ( During English Language lesson) ; In Machu Picchu
It was a late summer in Machu Picchu, Peru, when I experienced something that I can hardly forget in my life. Humidity was invading the...
Abortion is solely about women's right to choose.
‘All human beings are born free and equal indignity and rights.’ This is an article of the Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human...
Should government influence on people's diets?
I believe that it is reasonable for the government to influence people’s diets. The government is a group which controls and leads the...